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Hiking in Guguan|Mountain Wuwo
The fantastic view on the top of Mountain Wuwowei.

<< Introduction>>

"The Seven Heroes of Guguan" are well-known as some mid-level mountains in the central part of Taiwan which range from 1,305m to 2,366m above sea level.

The altitude of Mountain Wuwowei is 1,796m, makes it the third tallest one among all of seven. There're two trail entrances which people can start their hike:the north trailhead is at around 31.2K of Dasyueshan Forest Road, and to reach the south trailhead, you have to walk through the Shi-wen Lane in the back of Li-Yang Camping Site.


Jessica廖 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hiking in Guguan|Mountain Baim
This is definitely the most classic photograhy while hiking in Mount Baimao.

<< Introduction>>

There are seven mountains in Guguan region ranging from 1,305m to 2,366m above sea level. We call them "The Seven Heroes of Guguan".

The altitude of Mountain Baimao is 1,522m, makes it the sixth tallest one among all of seven. There're features that the others cannot offer, especially the landslide area where can overlook Dajia River and rolling mountains just before the summit.


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